Welcome to my blog. Besides my normal everyday life, I quilt, work in a quilt shop,and love to read quilt blogs. I embroider, do counted cross stitching, tat, crochet, knit and want to learn anything that requires the use of needles and thread. Come back often to see what new project I am working on or to read a tip or two.

Friday, December 30, 2011

I'm excited about the coming year and the quilting projects I have planned.  I have recently become interested in Zentangling.  I haven't learned much about it, but I already love it.  You can read more at http://www.zentangle.com/  Here is my tribute to the year 2012.  Can you see 2012 in there?  It's being celebrated all over the world.

And here are some of my first effotts. My favorite is the last one.


I'm busy today finishing some quilting and working on a crazy quilt patch.                                                     

Be happy and keep quilting.                                                                                                                        


  1. Hi Evelyn!

    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Yes it`s very ecxiting what will happen with our CQJP.
    I`m looking forward to my quilt. I just have an idea how it will look like, but I know that somestimes things will change during th process.....

    By the way, I finished my winter-crazy-top.



  2. yes, the last one is very beautiful!!

    Masha (Ashenka)

  3. Evelyn, thanks for posting info on my blog. Love the zentangle work your doing. I am interested in them too. Denby
