Welcome to my blog. Besides my normal everyday life, I quilt, work in a quilt shop,and love to read quilt blogs. I embroider, do counted cross stitching, tat, crochet, knit and want to learn anything that requires the use of needles and thread. Come back often to see what new project I am working on or to read a tip or two.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Blog Hop Party

It's time again for a fun week of blog hopping and give-aways. Quilting Gallery is hosting the party for St. Patrick's Day. It will run from March 17 to March 23. There are tons of prizes to register for and great blogs to visit. You can see a list of all the blogs and start by clicking on the Blob Hop Party button at the right or go to quiltinggallery.com/quilters-fun/quilters-blog-hop-party/. But before you leave, please take a look at what I am giving away.

This handy Sewline pencil box is filled with little goodies any quilter can use--

---a cotton picker to get threads off your sweater, embroidery scissors, sewing machine needles, a Frixion pen and a Lavishea pear lotion bar. I can't wait to see who wins. Just leave a comment telling me how long you have been quilting and what your favorite technique is for a chance to win. I would love to have you as a follower, but don't feel obligated.

Keep quilting and stay happy.


  1. I have been quilting for four years now. I love piecing best, but I am coming to love machine applique also.

    1. And you do a great job. You have some great quilts.

  2. I have been quilting for 6 years and my favourite technique at the moment is crazy quilting.

    1. Me too. I'm doing the CQJP 2012 challenge so I see you there. Have fun hopping.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Been quilting for about 20 years? or so. Although I still feel like a novice. And I do love to hand quilt! Thanks for the opportunity to win! xo

    1. Do we ever get to feel like an expert? There are so many things to learn.

  4. I've been quilting for two years. So far, I like piecing the best. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway.

  5. I've been quilting about 18 years. I enjoy piecing and handwork. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. What a nice prize...I've been sewing for over 30 years, but quilting only about 8 years. Thanks for the chance to win!
    By the way, thank you for the comment on my blog, Lilypadquilting. I couldn't reply because your settings are on "no reply blogger" so I tracked you down this way! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hi Mama! I've been quilting for about 7ish years. I have no favorites because I'm too ADD to settle to any one thing. :)

  8. I've been wanting a Cotton Picker! LOL! I've been quilting for about 5 years, my favourite technique is strip piecing. The day I learned that I just about cried for all the time I had wasted in the past!

  9. I have been quilting for 9 months. I really enjoy machine piecing. Thank you for the chance to win such a cute little treasure box.

  10. Great giveaway! I've actually not quilted yet, but I'm working on it. Just been practicing some drunkard's paths as the first thing. IT was fun! Thanks for the chance.

    1. You didn't pick an easy first project. Its great to meet new quilters.

  11. Only made 4 quilts and have been quilting for 2 years. I love applique and am just going to star a needleturn project. Thanks Karen.

    1. My only needleturn was a small Hawaiian wall hanging. It goes pretty fast.

  12. I haven't been quilting for long, I think I'm at about 1 1/2 years. So... I'm not super good at any one thing, but I'm in love with paper piecing.

    1. I love paper piecing and I love meeting new quilters.

  13. I have been quilting for 4 yrs.. and my favorite is scrap quilting.

    1. I'm sure lots of people would donate scraps. I'm a doll quilter too. Maybe we will meet again.

  14. Eu faço colchas a 10 anos.mas minha paixão é hexágono.Obrigada.E-mail tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com

  15. I've been quilting since 1978. I just like to make quilts with any fabric I find pretty!!

  16. I started my first quilt last year and am hand piecing it. It is slow going as a mummy of a 19month old and with many other projects but I am determined to make a go of it.

  17. Have been quilting on and off or rather off and on for 25 years. Love learning new techniques and meeting other quilters at classes.

  18. I´ve been quilting for seven years now and I love it. I love fabrics, especially cotton. Mostly i handpiece my quilts, but I like to try different techniques.
    Gun, Sweden

  19. I have been quilting since I was big enough to hold a needle...but I love my little Twister...thank you for being so generous and have a great day.

  20. Thanks for the lovely box of prizes, Happy St Patrick's Day to you. I made my first quilt as a teenage about 32 years ago.

    happy days.

  21. I quilted for a little while back in the early 1990's, but life then got in the way. Now I have the time again and been back at quilting for about six months... I promise to never leave again :-) Thanks for offering the great prize pack!!

  22. I have been quilting "seriously" (meaning "daily") for about five or six years. How could you ever get tired of it?

  23. I think I need to get my translations right .. quiliting was for me always the fact to nicely stich at least 2 fabrics together. And piecing was the action of sewing fabric together that you would eventually quilt (or not in some cases). I never quilted (I'm too scared - well I "quilted" one cushion cover so far). I did however do some piecing on and off for hmmm 10, 12 years. But usually cushion covers, bags without quilting. And I do the piecing traditionally, cutting exactly and then sewing, no paper/foundation piecing....
    Zhanks for the chance! (my text became a little longer than planned sorry)

  24. I have been quilting for over 10 years and I just love paper piecing! Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. I have been quilting for 12 years or more. I love everything about quilting. Paper piecing might be my very favorite thing.

  26. I have been quilting for 10 years. My favorite method of quilting changes. At the moment it is embroidery and also paper piecing. I love to embroider little things and use them in quilts.

  27. I have been quilting for a long time... almost 20 years but had to put it on the back burner when the kids were very young! Now I am in it full force and love it!!

  28. I have been quilting for 10 years now (wow! that long already!!??) I like hand quilting.

  29. I have been quilting for 6 months and my current favorite thing to do is paper piecing!

  30. Cute little gift box. I've only been quilting for six months but I'm thoroughly addicted. Piecing and FMQ are my favourite.

  31. ohhh a lovely prize, Ive been quilting off and on for 5 years now but only got more committed in the last 6 months

  32. I have been quilting about 10 years.

  33. I'm a new follower. I've been sewing quilt tops for about 5 years now. Have even quilted a few of them too! I like Karla Alexander's stack-the-deck technique. Thanks for the chance to win.

  34. I have been quilting for about a years and I love straight line quilting!

  35. I have been quilting for 6 years now and love it all. Thanks for the chance!

  36. I just joined Doll Quilters' Monthly and am checking out the blogs of all the members, and signing on to follow. I am disabled and don't get to spend a lot of time at the computer. I wondered if you would consider adding the new blogspot gadget (it's the first one) to allow subscription via email? It makes it so much easier to follow a favorite blog. Thanks so much.

  37. Less than a year and I enjoy making blocks! :)

  38. I've quilted for about four years. My mother has quilted for more than 65 years and is my in-house teacher. We like to make bed-sized pieced quilts. If win your prize, guess who will share the goodies! Thanks for the chance.

  39. I've been quilting for about 6-7 years. Have made one queen-sized quilt (although the hand quilting is not finished on it) but mostly baby quilts. Love to give them as gifts. Some are hand quilted, most are machine quilted, some are applique' but a lot are various patchwork and strip quilts. Love to do and learn new things. Thanks for chance to win! (marshudson at comcast dot net)

  40. Loveley give away you have, thanks for the opportunity! Always such fun the blog hop give away parties! I am quilting over 25 years now and I prefer paperpiecing and handappliqué

  41. I have been quilting for about four years. I don't have a favorite technique yet. I am still learning. I do enjoy the strip quilting that Eleanor Burns teaches. That is the first thing that I learning how to do in quilting.

  42. I have been quilting for 25 years! Made my first quilt at 15 :-) I have my own technique called "better done than perfect." LOL! I use it on all my quilts :-)

  43. I started my first quilt about 5 years ago, but really started getting into it in the last year or two. My mom is one of my closest friends, so it gives me something that we can both chat about, meaning more talk time! Especially living almost 2,000 miles away!!

  44. I made my first quilt about 2 years ago for my mother. When she passed away 6 months later, I kinda gave up on everything for a while. I just started getting back into it.

  45. I have been quilting off and on for a few years but nothing serious. But now I am starting to really pick it up. I really like paper piecing

  46. I have been quilting for 15+ years. Love playing with my new longarm.

  47. I started "quilting" for real when my son graduated from high school in 2002 and I love piecing tops and then quilting them!

  48. I have sewed or quilted since I was a teenager, and I am going to be 59 this summer so that is a looooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg time LOL

  49. I am rather new at quilting and continue trying new techniques which is why I love reading all of these blogs and discovering new ideas

  50. I've been making 'blocks' for 10 or 11 years, a number of tops, and a couple of quilts.

  51. I've been sewing for a couple years, but only quilting for less than a month. I just finished my first quilt top last weekend. Now to get it finished. So I only know piecing at the moment. My next technique to master is machine quilting. Hopefully one day I'll get to try some other cool techniques. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  52. Hello. I've been quilting for 9 years and love applique' the most. I've been designing quilts for about that long, too, especially Sunbonnet Sue and Friends. Thanks for letting us come and visit.

  53. I have been sewing for a long long time but became serious about making quilts about 5 years ago. I don't know that I have a technique to speak of, I just hope everything matches up and is square when I'm done :) I am a new follower

  54. I have been quilting for about a year and have lots to learn. Right now I'm enjoying machine piecing. Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway!

  55. I have been quilting for just over two years, although I am not too productive. Binding is my weak point! I found this tutorial recently, even though it has been posted a long time ago, which I hope will help me: http://angrychicken.typepad.com/angry_chicken/2008/03/bias-tape-tutor.html

  56. I have been quilting for 20 years (time sure flies)! I enjoy hand applique the most. Thanks for a chance.

  57. I've been quilting about 14 years. Traditional piecing is my favorite right now.

  58. I've been quilting for maybe 9 years and I enjoy traditional piecing but with contemporary fabrics.

  59. I'm 43 and I started quilting helping my Gramma make quilts when I was 9. My first all by myself quilt I made when I was 13 or 14. I didn't make many quilts while my kids were little, to busy running after them but about 13 years ago I really got back to it.

    I LOVE the results of paper piecing but I get really bored with the process so I do one paper pieced project and work on it only a little at a time while I am working on several other things.

    Thanks for a chance to win goodies!

  60. I've only been quilting about a year.

  61. I've been quilting on and off for 25 years! I am a traditional quilter and love to cut everything up and put it back together. Like a big puzzle :-)

  62. I have only been quilting for a few years so far I enjoy piecing the quilts the most. Giving them away is fun too. Thanks for the chance to win.

  63. I have been quilting since 1998 - fourteen years. I think I have that many completed tops waiting to be quilted. Wish me luck.

  64. I started to attempt to quilt in 1996. I started out making some minis, and some redwork tops. I had 2 strokes, and thought that I would never be able to quilt again. We used my embroidery skills as physical therapy.
    I had to relearn holding a needle, and just kept at it.
    This past summer, I did my first completely hand sewn and hand quilted quilt. I entered it in the county fair,
    and it won 2nd place! I am now hand quilting with the
    ladies at my church. They were also great teachers for
    me. I am very thankful. I love to do paper piecing and
    applique. Thanks for the chance to win.


  65. I already follow and I just love this little giveaway. You are the only that I've entered so far because this just grabbed my attention. So fun!!

  66. I've been about quilting about twelve years and love paper piecing. Thanks

  67. I've been quilting for about 3 years now. Favorite technique? I dunno. Whatever gets the job done well and fast. lol. That's no help, huh?

  68. I made one little table topper about 20 years ago-- and then really got hooked on quilting 2 years ago.. My favorite technique is actually *mixing* pieced blocks with appliqued and embroidered accents! :-) thank you so much for the chance to win the sewing kit!! :-)

  69. What a great giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. I finished my first quilt about 13 years ago, and took a sabbatical for many years, but am now back at it hard & strong.My favoUrite technique these days is stack & slash.

  70. I have been a serious (??) quilter since 1996. I have made about 80 large bedsized quilts in that time as well as some small projects like placemats and baby wraps. My favorite technique always involved some piecing of some sort- all done by machine. It is a wonderful pastime and I have met many wonderful quilters since I started my blog.
    Thanks for participating in the blog hop. Regards from Western Canada,

  71. I'm working on my very first quilt, which is being made up partly of bee blocks. I am loving ezperimenting with different techniques and just tried out paper piecing for the first time yesterday- I. LOVE. IT!!!

  72. I made my first quilt 10 years ago, but I have been quilting seriously for year now! My favorite technique? I'm enjoying hand embroidery and EPP. But I go off those, too!

  73. I have been quilting for about 7 years, since my ex-roommate dragged me kicking and screaming to a quilting class she did not want to attend by herself. And the rest is history!! My "current" favorite technique is fusing!

  74. Hello. I'm from Norway, and I have been quilting for many years now, actually since the 80's. I love hexagons, and I do them from 1/4" to really big ones. Thanks for the chance to win.

  75. I've only been quilting for about 18 months, and wish I had started earlier, I have so much to learn. I like piecing the best, I have different things on hand all the time, some hexies, some embroidery, some applique....just so I never get bored!!

  76. Great giveaway! I've been quilting on and off for over 40 years. I love FMQing on my old Singer.

  77. Fantastic giveaway, so handy!!!!. I have been quilting for 4 years now, and blogging for 7 months, such a baby!. Thanks for the chance!.

  78. great give away. I've been quilting since I was pregnant with my daughter, she's 7 now and my teacher was a pastors wife as our church and after the class I told her I probably would NOT get into quilting.... boy was I wrong, I quilt every day, have my own long arm business..

  79. Been quilting about two years, and I just learned paper piecing and enjoyed it!

  80. I'm a newbie, I've been quilting less than a year, so I'm still learning the basics! Thanks for the giveaway!

  81. I've been quilting for around 15 years but sewing for a lot longer!

  82. I am also a newbie, only two quilt tops completed so far....I think that I will like the handquilting because embroidery was my first hobby. However, I also love machine quilting too--I can't wait to try it!

  83. I have been quilting for about 15 yrs. but have always sewed.
    Love scrap quilting, I think my scraps are growing by themselves in their bins!!!!
    Your prize looks great, thanks.

  84. I have been quilting for about 20 years. I really like choosing the fabrics for a quilt best.

  85. I have been quilting for about 12 years but sewing since I can remember , my favorite thing to do right now is landscape quilts . Thanks for the chance to win.

  86. I´ve been quilting for seven years now and I love it. I love fabrics, especially cotton. Mostly i handpiece my quilts, but I like to try different techniques.
    Gun, Sweden

  87. I have only been quilting for a year. And my favorite technique is machine binding. lol I'm sooo not a hand sewer. Thanks for the chance!

  88. I have been quilting obsessively for 8 years - 8 wonderful years! My favorite technique is to "square up" my blocks especially when I don't feel like it:)

  89. I've been quilting for 25 years. I've been creating my own patterns for about 5 years. I love fusible applique.

  90. What a cotton-pickin good giveaway! I have been quilting for about 40 years and really enjoy piecing.

  91. I have been quilting for about 20 years and my favorite technique is paper piecing.

  92. I do love to strip quilt and I really find my mofo when I'm machine quilting. I can get in the zone and enjoy. Thanks.

  93. I love paper piecing. thank you for this chance. hugs

  94. I've been quilting for 12 years and my favorite technique is hand applique--just wish I was faster at it!

  95. Hi there. I've been quilting for 11 years now. My favourite technique is strip piecing : )
    thanks for the give-away.

  96. Love piecing scrappy quilts! Have been quilting about 5 years and mostly do crib size quilts for charity!
    thank you!


  97. I've been quilting about 5 years now. It's hard to pick a favorite technique but I love doing hand applique. I'm working on a dresdent plate quilt right now. And what a generous giveway you're offering. What fun it would be to win!

  98. I have been making quilt tops for over 20 years and have even hand quilted a few of them. Mostly baby quilts. My favorite thing to do is needle turn applique. It is very relaxing and the results are very satisfying. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

  99. I made my first quilt about two and half years ago. I've tried out lots of things since then - paper piecing, piecing my hand, applique, hand quilting - and have enjoyed all of it, but my favorite thing to do is free-motion quilting.

  100. I have been quilting on and off for over 30 years! I prefer machine piecing and hand quilting and applique. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

  101. I've been quilting for about 15 years. Can't say I have a favorite technique. It's just what I happen to be working on at the time.

  102. I've been quilting for 17 years!

  103. I have been quilting for just over a year. My quilts are dedicated to the memory of my Son who passed away just over a year ago. I needed something at the time to keep my habds and mind busy. I wanted to create something that gives comfort. Please visit my blog at DanyNy Boy Quilts. Thank you for the chance to win

  104. What a great giveaway! I have heard about the Frixion pens and just saw the lotion bars last weekend at my LQS. Great goodies! I first started quilting about 15 years ago. I've recently been learning applique and I'm loving it.

    Thank you for your giveaway and a chance to win.


  105. I have been quilting on and off for 45 years and seriously since 2009. I love qayg.

  106. I have been quilting for two years and love it. I have always sewn things; my own curtains, cushions, bed sheets etc and the endless costumes for school plays and Halloween but loved the quilts people made. I don't like English paper piecing but love the other forms of quilting. Hoping to get around soon to some applique. Susie

  107. Let's just say I've been quilting for 30+ - and since I started with hand quilting I like it the best. I just don't have the time for it anymore

  108. I have been quilting for two years, excluding making my own children's bedding when they were little. I love just cutting and piecing as I go along, you never know where or what you are going to end up with, particularly when using scraps. Great blog, thanks for a chance to win. :)

  109. I have been quilting since 1975. I only quilt for myself. Nothing spectular. Mainly lap and queen-sized quilts that I enjoy quilting. Your giveaway is one to die for. You are going to make one LUCKY quilter so very happy and excited when he/she wins. That's what it all about - LUCK and PLEASE LET ME WIN. That's what I say after every giveaway entered on the Blog Hop Party. Just let me win one thing. That's all. Just one thing. So, that's about it. Thank you for making the Blog Hop Party so much fun. I just love your blog and I am sure you will have a lot of new followers and the old followers will always be there for you.

    Sandi T.

  110. Wonderful prize you've offered to some lucky person. Thank you for the chance.

    I learned to sew in high school but then had three boys so I didn't sew much at all other than gym shorts they needed for school. They're all grown now and since 2003 I've been playing with my Viking embroidery machine my hubby got me. Then about 2 yrs ago I started learning the correct way to quilt and have only done piecing by machine so far. Prior to starting to learn to quilt the right way, I made some baby quilts with machine embroidery on them and also a wall hanging calendar in a class at the Viking store that didn't turn out perfect but still used my favorite colors so it's pretty to me. I just won't look at the back where the calendar is backwards 'cause I didn't read the instructions to do that embroidery before putting the back on the quilt. oops. LOL That's where I learned to R.E.A.D. ALL the instructions before starting anything.

  111. I tried my first quilt when I was going to have my first grand child. So I guess that would be 8 years now.

  112. I have been quilting for 20 years. I love making quilts for other people with a bit of me in them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  113. I've been sewing for 40 years, but only started quilting 3 years ago and am totally addicted..... Am really getting into FMQ even though I only have a domestic machine and am very tempted to try thread painting...

  114. I have made quilts (on and off) for around 30 years, I love quilt as you go techniques.

  115. I have been quilting for 25+ years, piecing for the most part, but I do have a BOM that includes some appliqué and embroidery, thanks for the giveaway.

  116. I have been quilting for about 20 years, but took a 7-8 year sabatical... The Quilt Monster in my Closet snuck out and we've been living with each other ever since. :)
    Thanks for a chance to win.. Fun giveaway!


  117. I have been quilting one year and my favourite technique is hand quilting. awolk@rogers.com

  118. I've been quilting for about 11 years, and I love to machine quilt. Great giveaway!

  119. Hi, I have been quilting off and on for a lot of years. My grandmother taught me when I was about 8 and I am now 58. I started quilting full time for 11 years now, that was when I became disabled and had to stop working and lifting over 10 pounds. I like to do lap quilts and wall hangings scrap quilting is what I like the most but still try what ever comes along. Thanks for being part of the giveaway.

  120. I have been quilting for 18 years. I love needle turn applique! But any time quilting is a real treat! Your sewing kit looks like fun! I have never seen a cotton picker. I would love to try it! Thanks for the chance!

  121. I've only been quilting for about a year. I'm having so much fun and learning so much! My favorite technique at the moment is foundation paper piecing - I just love the pretty, crisp lines. Thanks for the chance!

  122. I have been quilting since I was 8 and made a hexagon pillow. I still love to hand sew hexagons together or to applique quilts. I would just love to have more time to do hand sewing. Maybe I should stop reading blogs!!!

  123. I have been quilting since my early 20s. I love to quilt!

  124. What a fun give-away! :) I've been quilting since about 1996 and my favorite thing to do is settle in with needleturn applique. I have recently found myself drawn more and more toward traditional blocks and simple quilts.

  125. Wow, what great stuff! I like hand piecing, believe it or not.

  126. Hello and nice to find someone that works in a quilt shop lucky you ,are you in the Boise area and if so ,do you know of anyone that is selling there quilt machine and frame I would like to buy one since you work in a quilt shop I figured you just might know someone looking to sell ,let me know . thank you theodora

  127. march marks my third year of quilting and i love to machine quilt angchappell@yahoo.com

  128. I am a self taught quilter and have been at it for about 20 years. I am a traditional quilter but someday hope to make the leap to trying an art quilt or two.

    Thanks for a chance at your drawing


  129. I like embroidery, combined with quilting

  130. I've been sewing since I was a child but and avid quilter for just a few years. And loving every minute of it. I love your blog and am happy to follow you.

  131. I've been quilting for about 2 years now, and I love foundation paper piecing. Thanks for the giveaway.

  132. I've been quilting for seven years. I love embroidery and want to do a quilt with embroidered blocks. My favourite patchwork is pinwheels. Love them. Thanks for a chance to win your lovely giveaway.

  133. I've been sewing for too long to remember but only been a quilter in the last 10 years or so. Thanks for joining in the Blog Hop Party Giveaway.

  134. I've only been quilting for about a year and a half! I'm loving all I'm learning! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great giveaway!!! :)

  135. I have been quilting for quite a few years on and off - I love log cabin blogs and scrap quilting! thanks for the great giveaway!

  136. I have quilting for around 4 years and I love anything considered Scrappy!

  137. I've been quilting on and off for about 6 years, more or less. I say more or less because I started to the needlework frenzy late and I'm trying to learn and experience all of it it seems at once!

  138. I've been quilting for two weeks. Have joined a quilting group and they are helping me make a rag quilt...fun fun fun

    Thanks Sandy

  139. Quilting for about 12 years and I have fallen in love with embroidered and pieced quilts. Thanks for the giveaway and for your wonderful participation. Judy C

  140. I have only been quitling for about a year now, and have recently learned to machine quilt. I am loving learning to stipple!

  141. Ive been quilting about 4 years, and i love the whole idea of starting a new quilt from scratch! Finishing it is a different story. Oops!

  142. I've been quilting for 30+ years (really, I'm not old, just quilted most of my life) and I love to machine quilt, but I like every single part of the process.
    Thanks for participating in the blog hop party. Love the prizes.

  143. WOW! Until you asked, I've never thought about it. I've been quilting for 21yrs. I love to cut up fabric and piece quilts. I just started to machine appliqué, I'm liking it sofar. Thank you for yor generous giveaway!

  144. I'm a new follower to your blog. I'll be back, to see what you're up to. ;-> Toni Anne

  145. I've been quilting for 35 years. I am still learning new things all the time. I like making tops.

  146. I made my first quilt in 1982, but I haven't been quilting steadily since that time. My favorite technique is just letting my creative juices flow.

  147. I've been quilting for more than 25 years now. And I really love hexagons, hand sewing projects. Greetings from Norway.

  148. I've been quilting for about 8 years now. I would have to say, that chain piecing is a wonderful technique that I use all the time!

  149. Thanks for your great giveaway. I started quilting about 3 yrs ago. Lately I have made a couple of quilts that also have embroidery work in them which I really enjoy doing. I also do cross-stitch and would like to learn how to knit. Just wish there were more hours in the day to do all of this.


  150. You have a great prize to giveaway. I've only been quilting for about 4 years. I started when I became a Nana. My favorite part of quilting is machine applique. Thanks!

  151. I've been quilting for about 10 years, but have very little time to do it. I have only done hand piecing and appplique but intent to try machine quilting soon.

  152. Have been making quilt tops for about 5 or more years now. I don't like finishing them by machine for some reason, but will have to alter my thinking, as I am getting too many stashed up for handquilting them all. I love the traditional method of quilting. Just became a follower. Thanks for the goodies.

  153. I've been quilting for a year. Thanks :)

  154. I've been quilting for the past 2 years or so. I have a 4 yr old son, so I try to fit in sewing "moments" when I can, so I feel like I've been quilting only for 2 hours..heheh. Thank you for participating in the blog hop. I hope you have had a chance to hop yourself :)

  155. I am new to quilting. My only quilt project so far was quilted coasters I made for a Christmas gift. Need to get into it more so don't have a favorite technique yet. Thanks!
